Integrations Productivity

Google Calendar

OAuth Integration With Google Calendar

Works with:

  • All scopes
  • All endpoints
  • All Methods

Pathfix Resources


Getting Started

Integrations > Google Calendar

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add Google Calendar OAuth integration to your app. You can setup your OAuth connection in just a few minutes. We manage the OAuth servers, token management , and provide a pass-through connectivity to all of Google Calendar’s endpoints.

API Endpoints

Pathfix supports all publicly available Google Calendar APIs. You can find all their documentation and endpoints right here:

Google Calendar OAuth Endpoints

Pathfix has already configured all the below OAuth endpoints. The table below is for reference only.

Content Type









Access Token








Refresh Token







Adding The Google Calendar OAuth Integration To Your App

  • Login/Create your Pathfix account here
  • Add your application
  • Add the ClientID and ClientSecret received by the provider in Pathfix
  • Specify the scopes you want to access and Save
  • Get your code from Pathfix and insert in your app

Calendar Developers Screenshot

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integrations Identity Productivity


OAuth Integration With GitHub

Connect to GitHub

Please Access On Desktop For Optimum Connection Experience

Works with:

  • All scopes
  • All endpoints
  • All Methods

Pathfix Resources


Getting Started

GitHub Documentation


Integrations > GitHub

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add GitHub OAuth integration to your app. You can setup your OAuth connection to GitHub in just a few minutes. We manage the OAuth servers, token management system, and the pass-through connectivity to all of GitHub’s endpoints.

GitHub API and Endpoints

Pathfix supports all publicly available GitHub APIs. You can find all GitHub’s documentation and endpoints right here:

Test GitHub OAuth Integration

The Connect to GitHub button will let you test the connectivity to GitHub and allows you to play around with the different endpoints offered. Test the connectivity to different endpoint URLs, methods and payloads.

To get started:

  • Click on the Connect button
  • Click on Integrate and connect your account
  • Once connected, select from one of the sample methods available (these are only a few sample methods added here for the purpose of testing, you can connect to any of the endpoints provided by GitHub)
  • Change the URL to access and test different endpoints

Adding The GitHub OAuth Integration To Your App

  • Login/Create your Pathfix account here
  • Add your application
  • Add the GitHub ClientID and ClientSecret
  • Specify the scopes you want to access and Save
  • Get your code from Pathfix and insert in your app

GitHub Developer Screenshot

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integrations Productivity


OAuth Integration With Firebase

Works with:

  • All scopes
  • All endpoints
  • All Methods

Pathfix Resources


Getting Started

Firebase Documentation


Integrations > Firebase

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add Firebase OAuth integration to your app. You can setup your OAuth connection to Firebase in just a few minutes. We manage the OAuth servers, token management system, and the pass-through connectivity to all of LinkedIn’s endpoints.

Firebase API and Endpoints

Pathfix supports all publicly available Firebase APIs. You can find detailed Firebase setup documentation here:

Adding Firebase OAuth Integration To Your App

  • Login/Create your Pathfix account here
  • Add your application
  • Add the Firebase ClientID and ClientSecret
  • Specify the scopes you want to access and Save
  • Get your code from Pathfix and insert in your app

Firebase Developers Screenshot

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integrations Productivity


OAuth Integration With DocuSign

Works with:

  • All scopes
  • All endpoints
  • All Methods

Pathfix Resources


Getting Started

DocuSign Documentation

Developer Portal

Integrations > DocuSign

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add DocuSign OAuth integration to your app. You can setup your OAuth connection to DocuSign in just a few minutes. We manage the OAuth servers, token management system, and the pass-through connectivity to all of DocuSign’s endpoints.

DocuSign API and Endpoints

Pathfix supports all publicly available DocuSign API. You can find detailed documentation from DocuSign here:

Adding The DocuSign OAuth Integration To Your App

  • Login/Create your Pathfix account here
  • Add your application
  • Select DocuSign from the list of providers
  • Add the DocuSign generated ClientID and ClientSecret
  • Specify the scopes you want to access and Save
  • Get your code from Pathfix and insert in your app

DocuSign Developers Screenshot

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integrations Identity Social


OAuth Integration With LinkedIn

Connect to LinkedIn

Please Access On Desktop For Optimum Connection Experience

Works with:

  • All scopes
  • All endpoints
  • All Methods

Pathfix Resources


Getting Started

LinkedIn Documentation

Developer Portal


Integrations > LinkedIn

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add LinkedIn OAuth integration to your app. You can setup your OAuth connection to LinkedIn in just a few minutes. We manage the OAuth servers, token management system, and the pass-through connectivity to all of LinkedIn’s endpoints.

LinkedIn API and Endpoints

Pathfix supports all publicly available LinkedIn APIs. You can find all LinkedIn’s documentation and endpoints right here:

Test LinkedIn OAuth Integration

The Connect to LinkedIn button will let you test the connectivity to LinkedIn and allows you to play around with the different endpoints offered by LinkedIn. Test the connectivity to different endpoint URLs, methods and payloads.

To get started:

  • Click on Connect to LinkedIn button
  • Click on Integrate and connect your account
  • Once connected, select from one of the sample methods available
  • Change the URL to access and test different endpoints

Adding The LinkedIn OAuth Integration To Your App

  • Login/Create your Pathfix account here
  • Add your application
  • Add the LinkedIn ClientID and ClientSecret
  • Specify the scopes you want to access and Save
  • Get your code from Pathfix and insert in your app

LinkedIn Developers Screenshot

LinkedIn OAuth Setup Documentation

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth


Getting Started: Authorize Users And Connect To Any API Endpoint

Pathfix gives you the power to enable integrations in just a few minutes. With Pathfix, you can authorize your users for any provider and access any API endpoint, in just a few minutes.

This tutorial covers how you can get started and enable integrations on your platform.


You will need the following to achieve the steps outlined here:

  • Access/create your Pathfix account here
  • Provider app credentials (please check our individual provider documentation to see how you can create your app and get the credentials)


Pathfix has been built to solve the time and resource consuming OAuth connectivity. Pathfix works as a pass-through API that authorizes your users and connects you to any providers API endpoints without you worrying about OAuth servers, frameworks or OAuth token. We maintain the connection and keep it live by managing the tokens and access to each of the provider.

Add Application

Login to your Pathfix account to continue.

  • Click on “Add Application”
  • Enter the name of your application
  • Hit Save

Configure Provider

Once you have added your application, its time to configure the provider you would like to connect to.

  • In the Application page, click on the provider you want to integrate with
  • Enter the ClientID and ClientSecret (provider credentials) received from the provider
  • You can add/remove scopes that you wish to receive authorization for
  • Hit Save

Your provider configuration on Pathfix is now completed.


Once you have configured the provider, you will need to implement the integration code to your platform to activate user authorization and be able to access the providers API endpoints.

Code for OAuth

  • Click on Code for OAuth under the provider options
  • Copy the <head> code and paste it to the head of your integration page
  • Copy the <body> code and paste it in the location you want the CONNECT button to appear for your users to authorize.
  • On saving/refreshing, the button to connect would automatically appear with formatting in place.

Code for Pass-through API

To access the providers API endpoint, you will need to add the code for pass-through API. All calls made to the provider, will pass through Pathfix where your calls are stamped with the appropriate tokens and sent to the API requested.

  • Click on Code for API under the provider options
  • Copy the code and add it to your application
  • There are a few replacements that need to be made which are detailed here

Sample SEND Call to the API Endpoint:

"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"payload": {}


Pathfix handles the entire authentication, authorization and communication between your app and the provider allowing you to integrate and access any API endpoint offered by the provider. Including the token management required for access and refresh tokens as well as stamping API calls from the point your users click the integration button on your app.

Login to your Pathfix account and get started.


The pros and cons of open source token management system for oauth2

As software developers, we all LOVE open source!

But is open source the right solution when it comes to OAuth 2 and OAuth 1 token management system? In this article, we dig into the pros and cons of using an open source token management system for OAuth2 and OAuth1 requirements.

What is OAuth token?

When dealing with OAuth connectivity, you need to have a complex token management system built that generates and manages OAuth tokens. The best analogy to understand OAuth tokens is to think of it like a hotel keycard. The keycard allows you access to your room, and your room only.

A token management system generates these OAuth token and manages the validity of these tokens.

Sounds simple?

Far from it..

The complexity of OAuth token management systems

In principle, the TMS creates tokens required by the service provider for validating and providing data access.

However, each provider follows a slightly different method and process for validating tokens. This means, once size does not fit all providers. Meaning, you will need to create a new framework to manage the methods required for each service provider.

The token management system needs to manage all the methods and be able to generate the right oauth tokens for each provider requirement. This translates into complex and large TMS files that need to be run on its own servers while not having any down time.

There are a few open source Token management systems developed by developers globally. Let’s take a deep dive into the pros and cons of using open source solution.

Pro’s of using open source token management system for OAuth2

  • Readymade solution: You get a pre-build token management system that you can use with your application. However, you need to make sure you pick the right language and provider support.
  • Reduction in hours: There is small amount of time saved by having a framework to work off. Of course, each open source framework would still need significant amounts of time to customize to your particular needs.
  • No initial costs associated: Open source is free. This is the biggest Pro of choosing to with open source. This does not include server costs and engineering hours spent in customizing the code to your specific needs.

Cons of using open source token management system for oauth2

  • Stability: As is the nature of open source, it is a one time build and as there isn’t any single ownership associated, there is no one responsible to maintain uptime connectivity
  • Support: Once again, due to no ownership, support is not something you can expect with an open source code.
  • Provider limitations: Not all providers will be supported out of the box. Which means, you will essentially need to get token management system + SDKs for each providers.
  • Large code base: Due to the multiple TMS and SDKs required to be maintained, you essentially end up managing a large chunk of code
  • Time spent: Large number of engineering hours will be spent in trying to modify the code to work for you and your needs. Time you could spend on building your platform.

Unfortunately, in the case of oauth tokens and token management system, the Cons list outweighs the Pros list.

So, although we love open source solutions, it does not work for business-critical framework like oauth2 token management systems.

Get a secured serverless oauth2 token management framework

Pathfix takes care of the entire token management process. From the time the user clicks on Integrate, the system will generate and manage the tokens that are required for each provider. This includes the OAuth tokens, Access tokens, Refresh tokens and any API stamping required by the provider.

You get:

  • A proven and stable platform that handles millions of call requests
  • Round the clock support by a team of experienced developers
  • Quick connectivity without downloading files or SDKs
  • Secure platform with encryptions and flows in place


Signup for a free Pathfix account here and see the OAuth Token Management System in action in your own app.


Best way to handle oauth tokens (access and refresh tokens)

Before you start offering your end users the ability to integrate and push or pull data from other application into your app, you need to have an OAuth tokens system, or more commonly called the OAuth Token Management System.

OAuth Token management system is a framework that you would need to generate access tokens, get refresh tokens and stamp all API calls between your app and the 3rd party provider. Every provider you integrate with, will request for a different method and token requirement. This means you will need an extensive token management system that would handle different scenarios and requirements.

Before we proceed to best way to handle OAuth tokens for both access tokens and refresh tokens, a quick intro to what an OAuth token is.

What are OAuth Tokens?

OAuth tokens act like a pass for an application to gain access to a set of data. The best analogy to understand this is to think of a hotel keycard. The keycard that was generated for you gives you access only to your room, not all the rooms in the hotel. OAuth tokens work in pretty much the same way, they allow you to get access to a set of permitted data.

Here is a detailed post on what is OAuth and the different pieces required to complete the OAuth based integration:

Token Management System

An OAuth token management system needs to perform the following activities:

  • Generate tokens
  • Verify the tokens
  • Refresh expired tokens
  • Store tokens in a secure data storage
  • Secure at-rest and in-transit

The token management system must be secure, with tokens being accessible only by the service provider.

The traditional approaches of getting an OAuth token management system would be either to build it yourself or use an open source solution.

Should you build an OAuth token management system?

30% of time spent on building OAuth connectivity goes into building a secure OAuth token management system. This roughly translates to approx. 600+ hours spent on building the token management system alone, for just 5 providers. And since most providers don’t follow the same token approach, you will need to build a new system for each provider.

This is time spent on only one piece of the OAuth connectivity puzzle.

What about open source OAuth token management system?

We love open source. As developers, we understand the value of open source. It allows us to simply pick and use software extensions to add to our existing application.

However, since the open source piece of code isn’t maintained by anyone, stability becomes a concern as there isn’t any ownership or review mechanism in place.

Pathfix Token Management System

An open and flexible system, Pathfix takes care of the entire token management process. From the time the user clicks on Integrate, the system will generate and manage the tokens that are required for each provider. This includes the OAuth tokens, Access tokens, Refresh tokens and any API stamping required by the provider.

This means, you can get your OAuth connections running in just a few minutes and use the hours you would’ve spent building the OAuth system into building your application instead.

Why Pathfix

Secure and stable. Pathfix encrypts all the tokens, get you connected to the providers API endpoints with ease and gets you connected instantly. With guaranteed uptimes and constant updates and features rolled out, makes Pathfix the perfect OAuth solution for your integration needs.

Here is a Playground that you can use to try different endpoints. You can signup for a free Pathfix account here and see the OAuth Token Management System in action in your own app.


Test And Make Calls To Any OAuth Endpoint and REST API

Pathfix Playground. As the name suggests, is a playground built by the team here at Pathfix to help users connect to different providers and connect to their endpoints and APIs.

In this tutorial, we will walk through on how to use the Pathfix Playground to work with and test multiple provider OAuth endpoints and make API calls


You will need the following to follow the tutorial:

  • Link to our Playground 🙂
  • Access/create your Pathfix account here


The Playground has been built to connect to some of the most commonly used providers. The clientids and clientsecrets used in this Playground are that of Pathfix. Some of these apps are awaiting approval from the provider and you may see a warning before you authorize. These are apps that are registered with the provider and is currently awaiting approval. You can always use your own clientid and clientsecret within your Pathfix account and test the connection.

Connecting to Endpoints

Visit the Playground right here to begin connecting:

  • Select a provider from the left navigation bar
  • The button to Connect will appear, click to authenticate your account
  • On authentication, you can select a Method from the dropdown to test the connection
  • The endpoint URL will be auto-filled for the Method selected
  • Hit SEND to send the call request
  • The RESPONSE field will show the response received from the provider

Sample SEND Call:

"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"payload": {}

Sample SUCCESS Response:

"rows": [
"pincStatus": "success",
"statusCode": "200",
"contentType": "application/json",
"data": {
"messages": [
"id": "172da3933ffb3f5d",
"threadId": "172da3933ffb3f5d"

The endpoint URL can be changed to any of the providers available endpoints


Pathfix handles the entire authentication, authorization and communication between your app and the provider. Including the token management required for access and refresh tokens as well as stamping API calls from the point your users click the integration button on your app.

You can access the Playground here:


Building integrations to Typeforms OAuth APIs and Endpoints

Pathfix makes it extremely easy to connect and consume oauth based APIs and Endpoints, allowing you to offer your endusers quick integrations.

In this tutorial, we show you how you can connect to Typeform's endpoints and APIs with Pathfix in under 4 minutes. Pathfix is an OAuth tool that gets you connected to any provider with just a few lines of code. It handles the entire framework, token management system and servers, without needing SDKs, all ready to go.


You will need the following to follow the tutorial:

  • Developer account with Typeform. You can access your here
  • Access/create your Pathfix account here
  • Access to your code base to implement

Add your App on Typeform

  • Access the Applications section in Typeform
  • Click on Developer Apps from the left nav bar
  • Click Register a new app and enter your app name, your app website
  • Add the following Pathfix generated Redirect URL:

Add your application in Pathfix

Login to your Pathfix account here

  • Add your application by clicking “Add Application” and entering the name of your application (this is for your internal purpose and you can add as many applications as you want)
  • In the Integrations page, find the provider Typeform
  • You will need to enter the clientid and clientsecret provided by Typeform here. To get this, you will need to go into Typeform
  • Click on Save


You can add or remove the scopes you would like to access from the edit screen. Here is the list of all the scopes that is supported by Typeform:

Testing the connection

Once saved, you can test the connection directly within Pathfix. To do this, you will need to click on Instructions -> Test connection

Click on the button “Integrate with Typeform” to authorize your connection and process with the authorization.

You can change the endpoint URLs and connect to different APIs offered by Typeform. Make sure you change the scopes to remove or add different access levels.

Implementing the integration

There are 2 simple, minimal code, steps to implementing the integration on your platform. As Pathfix is an open framework platform, this means you can offer any UI you choose, while Pathfix will handle the authorization and the API communication between the applications.

Step 1

  • This steps renders the button that will allow your users to click-to-authenticate
  • You can customize the button behavior by clicking on Configure
  • Copy the <head> code and paste it on the <head> of the page

Sample <head> code:

<script src="" data-user-id="Lanternly_end_user_id" id="pinc.helper" modules="popups,modals,oauth" data-public-key="1A78A4E2-86CC-4660-BF84-3E4B50B34808" ></script>

  • Copy the <body> code and paste it on the <body> section of your page where you want the button to render

Sample <body> code:

<div data-oauth-ui="list" ></div>

Step 2

  • This steps enables the communication/payload between applications
  • You can write either client-side or server-side code to send messages to your end user’s application. Copy the code and paste it to your desired code base.
  • You can choose between HTTP, JavaScript (JQUERY), Python, Nodejs, C# or PHP

Sample code (HTTP)

POST /oauth/method/typeform/call? user_id=Lanternly_end_user_id &public_key=1A78A4E2-86CC-4660-BF84-3E4B50B34808 &private_key=88BAA3A4-C021-429B-9469-ECE9206EF6DE HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json { "url": "url_to_typeform_API", "method": "method_to_use_with_this_call", "payload": { payload_as_requested_by_typeform }, "headers": { header_if_requested_by_typeform } }

Need more documentation? Find it here:


This tutorial enabled the authentication and enabled enduser integration to Typeform and allowed you to consume all the endpoints offered by Typeform.