We love Zapier for moving small bits of data for softwares we own. But why try to make it do something it wasn’t built for? Pathfix's integration products has been built to solve SaaS integrations for 3rd party authentication and API automation.
User-facing webhook listening
3rd party authentication (auth)
API integration data calls
Trigger workflow for connected user
OAuth Platform
Connect your customers via our 100 managed OAuth solution and call any API endpoint directly with the OAuth Platform.
Call APIs across hundreds of providers and build your workflow. Connect to your stack or offer your users the ability to connect to theirs. The possibilities are endless.
Authorise your connections and start connecting across multiple providers.
Use Pathfix OAuth to offer your users the ability to connect their accounts.
Don't see a provider? Don't let that stop you, we can add it in a few days.
Automation Platform
Automate all your API integrations and enable webhooks with the visual workflow platform that does all the heavy lifting.
We've built the most powerful and flexible API automation tool so you can automate your entire user-facing API integrations to your application.
Call any API, get transformed data, add dynamic fields to it and send to any API.
Add API call to any provider with dynamic fields
Initialize your call and get response data.
Link API calls to build your workflow using data from one call with the next.
Pathfix has received so much love from founders, CTOs, developers and no coders that are looking to add powerful integrations to their platforms.
Pathfix supports any software that offers OAuth connectivity.