
A Guide to Unified APIs: What They Are, How they Work & How To Build it Yourself!

What Are Unified APIs?

Simply put, a Unified API combines APIs for multiple providers and gives you a single API to access all their endpoints.

e.g. If you want to push a new calendar event to Google Calendar and Microsoft calendar, you only need to post this in one API, and that API handles the posting to Google and Microsoft.

Why Consider Unified APIs?

API integrations are an extremely important part of any saas growth. But lets face it, they are complex and at times, challenging to work with!

This often means that your dev or engineering or product team has to spend hours trying to research all the APIs that are required for each platform you want to add the integration to.

With a unified API, you will be able to connect to multiple services through your app with either a few lines of a single APIs code or a no nonsense, super simple endpoint call. This not only takes away the complexity behind every single API but it also reduces the overall development time by only having one API call, rather than multiple code components across different services (which can also take up more resources on your server).

APIs Are Not Standard Across

APIs and complex and sometimes extremely challenging to work with. Mostly because the API structure is not standard across providers.

So, if you are looking to build an integration to CRMs platforms, the APIs for each platform are very different.

This means, you will end up spending time trying to figure out how each of the platforms have configured their APIs and how you need to set up your call to them.

A unified API combines all of these APIs and give you a single api that allows you to consume all of these APIs, at one point.

This means, you only have to understand how one api works, to connect to all of them.

Unified API and SaaS Integrations

As a SaaS platform that wants to integrate with 2 CRM platforms, do you really need to look at unified APIs?


If you are offering your customers the ability to connect to multiple CRMs, you will still end up spending hours researching the APIs for those different CRM platforms.

Even if you start by offering a single data point integration to 2 or more platforms, your team would still end up spending precious time over understanding their APIs.

More importantly, integration build never ends and is an ongoing cycle (remember, your customers will always looks for more data). Having a Unified API, or an API integration solution, can help you build out customer requests much faster.

Building Your Unified API

While there are services that offer ready to use Unified APIs, their supported providers and APIs can some times be a bit thin. This means, you will need to reach out to the service provider and request support for the API you are looking to access.

This can sometimes cause delays and breaks in your build cycle.

So, how can you leverage Unified APIs and access every custom data point you need? Automation.

With an API Automation platform like Pathfix Automation, you can either request for a pre-existing unified API or build out your automation to access the API you need, almost instantly.

For example: If you want to Create a calendar event in your users Google Calendar and Microsoft Calendar when they create an event in your app. Here is how your Automation would look:

Essentially, you now have a Create calendar API automation across multiple platforms via a simple automation within a few minutes that can be triggered by a simple endpoint call.

You can now extend this to consume any API, for any provider and chain them all together to either work across multiple providers or with a single provider.


Unified APIs are a great way to make your integrations easier and more consistent. With the right tools, you can automate and integrate all your services into one single API which can save time and money.

If you haven’t already checked out Automation , give it a go and start building your unified api today!

Integrations Communication

Microsoft Teams

OAuth Integration With Microsoft Teams

Works with:

  • All scopes
  • All endpoints
  • All Methods

Pathfix Resources


Integrations > Microsoft Teams

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add Microsoft Teams OAuth integration to your app. You can setup your OAuth connection to MS Teams in just a few minutes. We manage the OAuth servers, token management system, and the pass-through connectivity to all of MS Team’s endpoints.

Microsoft Teams API and Endpoints

Pathfix supports all publicly available MS Teams APIs.

Adding The MS Teams OAuth Integration To Your App

  • Login/Create your Pathfix account here
  • Add your application
  • Add the MS Teams ClientID and ClientSecret
  • Specify the scopes you want to access and Save
  • Get your code from Pathfix and insert in your app

MS Teams Developers Screenshot

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integrations CMS/Web Design


Add OAuth Integration in AppSheet

Works with:

  • All Providers
  • All Methods

Pathfix Resources


Integrations > AppSheet

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add OAuth integration to your AppSheet app. You can setup your OAuth connection to any provider in just a few minutes and use the Pathfix OAuth Connect page to allow your users to connect their 3rd party apps.

We manage the OAuth servers, token management and the pass-through connectivity to all the providers endpoints.

Adding OAuth Integration To Your AppSheet App

You will need to register your application with the 3rd party provider first and get your ID’s and Secret before proceeding.

  • Login/Create your Pathfix account here
  • Add your application
  • Add the providers ClientID and ClientSecret
  • Specify the scopes you want to access and hit Save
  • Get your OAuth Connect Page url from Pathfix and insert in your AppSheet app

OAuth Connect Page in AppSheet

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integrations CMS/Web Design


Add OAuth Integration in Adalo

Works with:

  • All Providers
  • All Methods

Pathfix Resources


Integrations > Adalo

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add OAuth integration to your Adalo app. You can setup your OAuth connection to any provider in just a few minutes and use the Pathfix OAuth Connect page to allow your users to connect their 3rd party apps.

We manage the OAuth servers, token management system, and the pass-through connectivity to all providers endpoints.

Adding OAuth Integration To Your Adalo App

You will need to register your application with the 3rd party provider first and get your ID’s and Secret before proceeding.

  • Login/Create your Pathfix account here
  • Add your application
  • Add the providers ClientID and ClientSecret
  • Specify the scopes you want to access and Save
  • Get your OAuth Connect page url from Pathfix and insert it in your Adalo app

OAuth Connect Page in Adalo

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integration Plugins Connector

Google Calendar

Google Calendar Plugin

Works with:


Pathfix Resources


Integration Plugins > Google Calendar

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add Google Calendar integration to your app. Pathfix will handle the entire oauth process, token management and the pass-through connectivity to the Google Calendar endpoint.

Install This Plugin

The plugin can be easily installed from’s Plugin page.

To get started:

  • Setup your integration in your Pathfix account
  • Go to your account and select your application
  • Click on the Plugins tab on the left nav
  • Click +Add Plugins
  • Search for Google Calendar plugin by Pathfix and click on Install

View detailed setup documentation here.

Plugin Setup

Once installed, there are no additional configurations required. Simply add the plugin, add your elements including the text component and setup your Workflow.

Other Plugins


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integration Plugins Connector


Facebook Integration Plugin

Works with:


Pathfix Resources


Integration Plugins > Facebook

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add Facebook integration to your app. Pathfix will handle the entire oauth process, token management and the pass-through connectivity to the Facebook endpoint.

Install This Plugin

The plugin can be easily installed from’s Plugin page.

To get started:

  • Setup your integration in your Pathfix account
  • Go to your account and select your application
  • Click on the Plugins tab on the left nav
  • Click +Add Plugins
  • Search for Facebook plugin by Pathfix and click on Install

View detailed setup documentation here.

Plugin Setup

Once installed, there are no additional configurations required. Simply add the plugin, add your elements including the text component and setup your Workflow:

Other Plugins


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integration Plugins Connector


Xero Integration Plugin

Works with:


Pathfix Resources


Integration Plugins > Xero Integration

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add Xero integration to your app. Pathfix will handle the entire oauth process, token management and the pass-through connectivity to the Xero endpoint.

Install This Plugin

The plugin can be easily installed from’s Plugin page.

To get started:

  • Setup your integration in your Pathfix account
  • Go to your account and select your application
  • Click on the Plugins tab on the left nav
  • Click +Add Plugins
  • Search for Xero plugin by Pathfix and click on Install

View detailed setup documentation here.

Plugin Setup

Once installed, there are no additional configurations required. Simply add the plugin, add your elements including the text component and setup your Workflow:

Other Plugins


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integration Plugins Connector


Instagram Graph API Plugin

Works with:


Pathfix Resources


Integration Plugins > Instagram Graph API

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add Instagram Graph API integration to your app. Pathfix will handle the entire oauth process, token management and the pass-through connectivity to the Instagram endpoint.

Install This Plugin

The plugin can be easily installed from’s Plugin page.

To get started:

  • Setup your integration in your Pathfix account
  • Go to your account and select your application
  • Click on the Plugins tab on the left nav
  • Click +Add Plugins
  • Search for Instagram Graph API plugin by Pathfix and click on Install

View detailed documentation here.

Plugin Setup

Once installed, there are no additional configurations required. Simply add the plugin, add your elements including the text component and setup your Workflow:

Other Plugins


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth

Integration Plugins Connector


Twilio User Auth Plugin

Works with:


Pathfix Resources


Integration Plugins > Twilio Plugin

Pathfix offers the easiest way for you to add Twilio integration to your app. With this plugin, you can add the functionality to send messages either through your users Twilio account or your own Twilio account. Pathfix handles the entire oauth process, token management and the API connectivity to Twilio’s endpoint.

Install This Plugin

IMPORTANT: Before installing any Pathfix Plugin, install the Pathfix Connector plugin first.

Install the Slack Connector plugin from’s plugin page here. You can also search for the plugin from your Editor plugin page:

To get started:

  • Go to your account and select your application
  • Click on the Plugins tab on the left nav
  • Click +Add Plugins
  • Search for Twilio plugin by Pathfix and click on Install

Plugin Setup

Once installed, there are no additional configurations required. All workflows, actions are accessible for use immediately. The Pathfix Connector will automatically render the UI button. Add text, workflow etc components and setup your Workflow.

Detailed Documentation

Click here to access the detailed documentation

Similar Integrations


Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth


We built an API Builder for our API-based automation platform

Pathfix Automation runs on APIs only (think: if Zapier and Postman had a baby), so it made sense for us to spend a lot of time to build out a slick and easy to use API builder.

With Automation, we want to give our users the ability to:

  • build complex workflows (both internal and user-facing)
  • call any API
  • enrich the data
  • transform data
  • send to the next API

……..and essentially, work the way they wanted – without any limitations!

This made the API builder a very cruicial feature in our platform.

What is Pathfix Automation?

Automation is an API based automation platform that allows users to build flows using only APIs. Users can add multiple APIs and then stitch them all together to build out any automation they want.

The Automation platform came from the idea that existing tools are a bit too restrictive and doesn't allow you to simply work with APIs.

So, based on many (many!) user requests, we decided to build a platform that ran purely on APIs, this meant that you can automate any process with any provider that has an API available.

Not just internal automation – More exciting is that you would be able to add user facing automation (integration) to your platform.

The API Builder

We needed to start by answering the basic questions:

  • How many APIs will our users have
  • Should we have one dedicated page for APIs built (or, have it accessible from a popup)
  • Allow for Search by multiple methods (keywords, url etc.)

We knew our users will have multiple APIs (I mean, ours is an API ONLY automation platform) but, we did not want them to lose context by leaving their design environment.

Enter – Single Page App

We added Design, Connections, Constants and the most important APIs as a quick popup – all without the user ever leaving their design environment.

Et Voila!

Design With Function

We just had one goal – make adding APIs effortless!

To achieve this, we started to look at other API builders and connectors. Read reviews, researched on forums to understand what users wanted and what caused them the most pain while adding APIs.

Here’s where we settled:

  • It needed to be nocode (read: no nonsense)
  • Postman was the standard when it came to working with APIs. It’s ease of use and general ‘known’ feel was unmatched of course
  •’s API Connector was simple, to the point and had a few elements we knew we could use (yes, the API Connector is a bit complex and has wayyy too many options that complicate makers. But we’re not gonna go there 🙂 )

With this in mind, we started building out the API Builder. We knew we had to have the basic functionality including calling multiple methods, endpoint, Body, Headers and Query Params

Here’s what the builder looks like:

Apart from these, we added a few features that checked the ‘convenience factor’ box.

  • Import configuration from library (ours and yours)
  • Import from CURL
  • Import from JSON
  • Export to JSON

This just made it super easy to work with APIs. So if you are not familiar with working with APIs, simply import a curl and we will get you all sorted!

Dynamic Values

The power of Pathfix Automation was in the fact that we allowed users to play with the data received, handle the transformation and push dynamic data to another API.

Since Dynamic Values was pretty important, we added the easiest way for users to add this – add <> brackets to any dynamic field.

Once added, users can simply select the dynamic values for these fields from any API calls made in the flow.

See what we did there? Our 4th task used data pulled from our 2nd and 3rd task. Just select the API and select the field.

Automation takes care of the rest!

API Builder Video

We created a video that details how you can use the API builder and walks through how it works.


Building the API Builder was definitely a challenge. The team at Pathfix took on the challenge head-on and fun along the way!

Sign up free for our Automation platform and take the Builder for a spin.