Pathfix Notifications: What to Expect from Pathfix Automation and Pathfix OAuth

At Pathfix, we aim to ensure smooth operation and transparency across both our platforms—Pathfix Automation and Pathfix OAuth. Each platform has its own notification system, designed to keep you informed about key performance and quota-related events.

Here’s a breakdown of the notifications you can expect from each platform:

Pathfix Automation Notifications

Pathfix Automation helps streamline your API workflows, but you’ll want to stay updated on issues that may arise. Our notification system ensures you're aware of any problems, including API failures, quota usage, and other critical events. Notifications are sent via email through different monitoring bots.

Key Notifications You’ll Receive:

  • API Failures: Summarized and sent every hour to alert you of any failed API calls.
  • Subscription Quota Usage: You’ll receive daily notifications when your subscription quota reaches key thresholds—80%, 90%, and 100%.
  • Subscription Quota Exceeded: Hourly notifications alert you if your API calls are being blocked due to exceeding your subscription limits.
  • RPM Quota Exceeded: Hourly notifications when the rate of calls exceeds your plan’s limits.

The Pathfix Bots in Action:

  1. Quota Gateway:Monitors your subscription and rate limits. When you exceed these limits, calls are blocked and an error response is sent.
    Every failure is logged and summarized for further action.
  2. Hourly Notification Bot:This bot aggregates and summarizes any API failures, subscription quota excesses, and RPM quota errors for the past hour. You’ll receive an hourly email to keep you informed of how many events have occurred.
  3. Daily Notification Bot:At the end of each day, this bot reviews your subscription usage and sends an email if your quota has reached 80%, 90%, or 100%.
    Please note that even if you hit 100% just after the daily report is sent, you'll still receive hourly alerts for blocked calls.

Pathfix OAuth Notifications

Pathfix OAuth handles secure and seamless integrations between your apps and third-party services. While OAuth handles most processes behind the scenes, we ensure that any significant quota or API failures are communicated through email notifications.

Key Notifications You’ll Receive:

  • API Failures: Hourly updates on any API failures, ensuring you can address them promptly.
  • Subscription Quota Usage: Similar to Pathfix Automation, you'll be notified daily if your quota reaches 80%, 90%, or 100%.
  • Subscription and RPM Quota Exceeded: If your quota or rate limits are exceeded, you'll receive hourly notifications and blocked call alerts.

High Activity Gateway

The bots monitor for unusually high activity levels from an account. If it detects a rapid spike in API calls (potentially caused by an erroneous loop, hacking attempt, or oversight), it blocks all calls from that account for an hour and notifies Pathfix.

If this high activity repeats, the account is suspended, and an email is sent from our support team. The account will remain blocked until you reach out and confirm the issue has been resolved.

Why No Slack Notifications?

In the past, we provided notifications via Slack, but they were often overlooked—especially in production environments where error notifications can quickly add up. For this reason, we’ve streamlined notifications through email, ensuring they are properly managed and easier to track.

Stay Informed

To ensure you never miss important notifications, we recommend keeping an eye on your inbox and checking your spam folder in case any messages from our bots get filtered there.

With Pathfix, you’re always in control, and our notification system ensures you're equipped to take action when it matters most.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, feel free to reach out to our support team if you have any questions!

Start Your Build With Pathfix OAuth